Pregnancy Yoga

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“I loved your classes, I mostly loved your voice, and best of all, I had a beautiful birth made immensely easier because you taught me how to breathe properly!”

A "build your own routine" video course, incorporating the five elements to ground, invigorate, replenish, elevate and inspire you as you go through your pregnancy.

Pick a different video for each element based around your needs that day 💕 these different combinations will harness different energies and strengths as well as keeping the gentle exercise interesting.

Earth - Seated Movement (3 videos)
Water - Breathing And Visualisation (3 videos)
Fire - Dynamic Movement (3 videos)
Air - Standing Stretches (2 videos)
Spirit - Guided Meditation (3 videos)

Based around the divine feminine and the innate birthing power and wisdom that is in every woman, we will be using visualisation, movement, mantras and mudras to create a sacred space for your pregnancy every day.

“I don’t often do online courses but I loved yours, I loved that it was dimly lit so I could light candles and get cosy. It was one of the reasons I was able to regain strength in my pelvic floor in my second pregnancy after previous episiotomy.”
— client testimonial

In the course we explore active birth positions, gentle movement, relaxing hypnobirthing breathing techniques and pelvic floor awareness to support your emotional and physical wellbeing during pregnancy. It is super gentle and suitable for those who have never done yoga before.

I first trained to teach pregnancy yoga in 2015 and I have had the privilege to have taught hundreds of women to use movement and mindfulness to ease their pregnancy symptoms, bond with their babies, feel comfortable in their bodies and achieve deep relaxation.

Our bodies are perfectly made to birth - let's connect with that potential during pregnancy! ❤

My yoga class mamas with their babies!

My yoga class mamas with their babies!

“Thank you, you made me feel relaxed and prepared for my birthing experience and I firmly believe that this helped me have the positive medication free birth I wanted.”