Hello beautiful woman,

Welcome to my page and thank you for connecting with me here.

My name is Jenny and I am a hearthkeeper for women's mysteries living in semi-rural South Wales.

It is my joy to offer my community my services in sacred pregnancy, womb healing, and celebrancy for women’s rites of passage. I also offer placenta encapsulation in Cardiff and the surrounding areas.

I believe that every woman is a living altar who deserves to be witnessed and cherished in loving space.

I am also a druid celebrant for nature-based rites of passage such as handfastings and baby blessings.

Womb Healing

I offer one to one sessions for women in-person and virtually using shamanic drumming and journeying to access deep states of womb consciousness, clear blockages and heal past initiations.

Together we will journey to the womb to discover what messages of power and love she has for you. Women find these sessions incredibly powerful, connective and life-changing.

Through womb healing we can release trauma from this lifetime, past lives and the maternal line, release ties to old lovers and stories, connect to our ancestors, alchemise fear and pain into joy and birth the desires of our heart through our womb portal.

Womb Healing At Home Online Course

A sacred journey through reclamation, healing and wholeness.

Did you know that your womb is where you get your inspiration, your creativity, and your love for life?

My online course will awaken you to the power of your womb, so you can begin hearing her messages.

Through meditations to open your heart and stir your feminine creativity, drum journeys to heal past woundings. and guidance in cultivating sacred practices such as womb yoga and yoni steaming so that you are led by your womb in all areas of your life.

The course is pre-recorded and go at your own pace, so once you have purchased it you can log in and access the educational material, meditations, journeys & practices at any time.

Online Courses

Closing the Bones

Closing the Bones is a postnatal ceremony that can be done on any woman who has given birth to a baby and wants healing and closure, as well as enjoy a gentle massage using scarves to encourage total body relaxation.

Women would have done this for each other in community after their babies were born to seal the energy centres and honour the rite of passage their sister had just experienced.

Women after birth may deeply desire to be held physically and emotionally in loving presence.

Closing the Bones can also be a gentle and healing way to honour pregnancy loss.


Jenny is one of the wisest most humble women’s guides I’ve ever met.
She really is a genuine women’s healer and as someone who has worked in the therapy industry for many years I can confidently say her touch and hands have the healing energy of a true healer
I just wanted to again say thank you so so much for everything that you bring to these sacred rites of passage, and the care and the tenderness and the love that I feel just emanates from you through your work, it’s deeply deeply appreciated and so needed at this time, so thank you!
Jenny’s work with and for women warms my heart. She is a healer in every way and her sweet, soft, beautiful energy is infectious. She makes you feel instantly safe. Her knowledge of plants and their healings is beautiful and a reminder of the importance of this deep heartfelt work.

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